What to Expect

Sessions are available in person and virtually.

Shamanic healing and Reiki work beautifully at a distance. If you are not in my area and interested in a healing, please reach out.

The information below is written for in person sessions, but can be almost entirely applied to virtual sessions.

To begin, you can expect a healing space that is created in a sacred way.
I work only with loving energies and always intend for the most benevolent outcome for all concerned.

Before the session: Be curious. Pay attention to what is going on in your world; what patterns are you observing? Where do you feel stuck? What is your vision of wellness and health for your life? These questions can assist with setting an intention for our work.

My healing sessions are 90 minutes.  When you arrive, you will sit down with me for about 20 minutes so you can share how you are feeling and the reasons for your visit.  We will come up with an intention for the session that I will state before we begin the healing work.  After we talk, I will have you lie down on a massage table for the remainder of the visit; you will remain clothed.  If there is a reason that inhibits you from being comfortable on a massage table, you can stay seated for the session.   

During the session I invite you to deeply relax and receive.  I begin each session by calling in my loving healing guides and Reiki; I will also set the intention for the session.  I will then drum a light, repetitive drum beat as I observe the information and healing coming through.  I will talk out loud to you about what I am observing.  There will also be periods of time when I will be quiet and periods of time when I will sing.  I do the majority of my work sitting beside you, but there could be moments when I lay my hands on your body, like on the back of your head, shoulders, abdomen or feet.  The process is an intuitive one, and I am deeply listening as it unfolds.  It is the Reiki energy as well as the loving spiritual guides that are doing the healing, and I am conveying to you what I am observing.

After the healing is complete, I will allow a few minutes for your body to integrate before I send you off into the day. There are a wide variety of outcomes that can happen after a session.  It is a fun process to observe what happens over the course of many weeks.  Continue to be curious.  Before the session, an intention was put into motion, and then a healing was done to enliven that intention; now you get to see how this unfolds in your life.

Session Fee: 90 minute sessions are $165.

Cash, check, Venmo, PayPal and credit cards are accepted. If paying via PayPal or credit card, sessions are $170 to cover fees.